While browsing the store my wife found herself attracted to this purse, everything when well until she desided to open the purse, this personal assistant made a very nasty remark and went off from there, finding my wife in a dificult situation due to this person, I asked my wife to leave and then another remark (worst than the first) came up, when we ask to see the management we were given a lecture, and at this point I found myself very upset and demanded his/her present, and this even made us think that we where acting unappropiate, I even thought of apologizing to them, was then when my wife and I looked at each other in disbelieve of what just happened to us, the assintant manager came and told us that the manager was busy at the moment and there will be several minutes before we could be seen by this person, in other words, they were testing our patients, well to any person out there that can read this comment, if you like the Gucci brand and style as we do, PLEASE GO TO A DIFERENT STORE, or be prepare to fight an unfair treatment battle, thank you.
Pros: High quality Products
Cons: Management / Personal Assistant / Customer service !