I've attended Greenwood for seven years now... I can remember the first time I went... The pastor was the most welcoming pastor I'd ever met... let me know, right off the cuff, that I was welcome there... The people are truly a mirror of the NYC community.. all races and ages represented....a wonderful choir which sings soulful and contemporary music regularly at every Sunday service... The pastor never fails to stir the hearts and minds of the people to put their words into action throughout the week as agents of Christ's love, His peace, and His mercy and justice. Please come and see us sometime.. I'm sure you'll sense the relaxed, yet thoroughly ministering, move of God's Spirit. The congregation has about 150 people, so you can get to know everybody really quickly, and you'd always be able to reach the pastor in any time of need.
Pros: Small Congregation/150 active/close knit/great preaching/great music
Cons: Parking is a problem, take the Ftrain to 9th St and 7th Ave or the bus