PLEASE IF AT ALL POSSIBLE DO NOT SEE DR. AGDHA M COLON!!!!!! First, her staff is rude and unknowledgeable. The staff is poorly trained and unprofessional. This is especially true of her office manager Nati, who gives misinformation and does not return phone calls. I had a #3 molar root canal performed by Dr. Colon, during which she perforated my maxillary sinus cavity. Immediately after the procedure my right sinus cavity began profusely draining fluid, approximately one liter of fluid over 24 hours. My right sinus cavity was draining thru my nose was so badly I was incapasitated and had to keep my nose elevated. I was unable to use the phone without fluid leaking, so I had my wife call the office, and Dr. Colon would not allow my wife to ask any questions even with my permission. The staff was not helpful, Dr. Colon would not personally return my phone call. We returned to her office the next day, Dr. Colon would not see me nor speak to me with my spouse in the room despite the fact my wife had my permission to be in the room. My wife is also a physician and of course tons of additional questions and concerns that Dr. Colon would not address. She referred me to my doctor who I had already seen that day, and she refused to give us the documentation/information my doctor requested regarding the sinus perforation, but only gave us a copy of the xrays. My PCP personally called to speak to her, and she would not come to the phone to take his call. She stated she would call him (our primary care doctor) back the following day, which she did not do. I ultimately had to go to the ER to be evaluated. She was unskilled, unknowledgeable, unprofessional, rude, uncaring, and VERY uncooperative after I suffered this complication from the root canal SHE performed. My primary doctor suggested we file a complaint with the medical board regard her conduct, and that he would also be writing a letter about her conduct in this case. Please for the health and safety of youself and your loved ones, dont see this dentist. Go elsewhere!