My first appointment was for a general cleaning and that is when it all started. Amidst the cleaning procedure, they uncovered that I need more special cleaning that would require $220 out of the pocket expense from my end. I had no choice but I accepted for the procedure. After this treatment my tooth ache became worse, that I had to go for follow-up treatment they said that I would require scaling and filling on right upper and lower tooth and root canal for one tooth. Since the scaling and filling procedure I'm having great sensitivity and tingling whenever I bite food till date. I never such an experience prior to visiting the dental center. Till date I had spent more than $1000 out of my pocket expense and my insurance had maxed out for this year. \r
I'm unsatisfied with the service I received from Great Expressions - East Windsor because of the following reasons.\r
1) Prior to my cleaning procedure, I had no pain or issues with my tooth.\r
2) My tooth ache worsened after every pro