I was involved in a stressful auto accident and all I wanted was my car back into the same condition it was before someone PLOWED into the back of me.
This company changed out my windshiled. on my windshield were 2 Texas issues certifications needed to drive legally. These two EXPENSIVE stickers were tossed out with no notice with the windshield. No call to me asking if I wanted them. I am a college student and live 700 miles from the Texas border. How I am supposed to get back home to them is a mystery (Legally)
When I called back I talked to Steve and he baisically told me tough luck.
Even if they would not have stuck back on to my new windshield, CUSTOMER SERVICE would have you the call me and give ME the OWNER the opportunity to take them, since I paid for them. He was even unwilling to pay for my re-issued replacement.
One person said they will low ball you, I say they will stiff you. Take your $300 and then be done with you no matter what the cost.
NEVER EVER AGAIN, NEVER RECOMMEND THIS PLACE AND NEVER DO BUSINESS IN GRANDVIEW AS A WHOLE. If I had known where the body shop took my car, I would have probably stopped them.