I was visiting a friend here the other night and I left the building to walk to the store. When I returned I had to wait at the gate for my friend to come let me in. While I was waiting, a security guard who acted like he was hot stuff came up to me and immediately started speaking to me in a town that was disrespectful and harsh- I was well-groomed and dressed casual, carrying a bag from CVS! I explained the situation calmly and he continued to bark and said that he had seen me ten (10) minutes earlier INSIDE the parking lot coming OUT, and why was I here. First of all, what he meant was that he had seen me THIRTY (30) minutes earlier, when I was leaving for the store. But when he accused me of being there ten mins earlier, I denied that- and didn't understand what he meant. He continued then to escalate and kept barking saying there was suspicious activity around here yadda yadda.
I don't care if there WAS suspicious activity - just like the police, this man doesn't know his place as a civil servant and acted like he could do or say whatever he wanted, however he wanted.
I've never been treated so frikkin rudely by security just visiting a friend of mine!!
Pros: Clean
Cons: Security harrassment