This company is suppose to be about good ethics and helping people. After giving them thousands of dollars of my stuff as well as buying these people lied to me. On Feb 7th, an unexperienced employee charged my debit card twice, instead of on my Mastercard. I immediately saw the mistake and went to Tammy whom is the assistant manager. She refused to do anything at first, until I had a guy from my bank on the phone trying to tell her how to void the transaction, she wouldn't even budge! She ended up ringing the transaction through again w/out my permission as I clearly just wanted a refund. I was $-200 in my bank account due to their neglience. My branch manager even called up the Gandy store, who so called was taking care of this, and was very disrespectful to her! They think they can promise people things for days, and then suddenly not return calls, and avoid you all together! I took it up w/the corporate store, was promised it would be taken care of then by RON the manager at the Brandon store. NOBODY did anything! I even went above them to the Corporate office and they didn't even return my call. Everyday my bank account for 5 days was reoccurring fees, my lovely bank ended up taking care of them! They think they can get by w/this, and they have rude management as is! They promised me that things would be taken care of, but they always had an excuse why it wasn't. I will be looking it to this further. DO NOT GIVE TO GOODWILL, GIVE TO HOSPICE OR AN ORGANIZATION THAT IS GIVING, NOT A BUNCH OF THIEVES!