I have never reviewed any golf course, but the golf experience at ""The Golf Club at New Castle"" this past summer was so bad I felt compelled to share. I am a weekend golfer. I do have a full time job and I work hard for my money, so when I get the paid privledge of playing a potentially beautiful course I want it to be memorable for the right reasons. This course was not memorable for anything but the crappy greens and snooty attitude. We were given no warning of the unacceptable conditions of the greens on the China Creek course until the starter mumbled something about a fungus in my back swing to one of my friends. On the 8th hole the marshall caught up to us and we were offered a raincheck if we wanted to stop at 9. Our feeling was that at this point, we made the effort on a sunny weekend to get down to Seattle. (me and another friend coming down from Bellingham to play) we were not going to be bagging our 4 ball with good friends after 9 holes on the whim of the marshall + 2 of our 4 ball were Oki card holders which unfortunatly forces you, to play the course without a choice, it makes sense however because why would you otherwise make the mistake of playing this over priced goat pasture. The fees were not reduced in any way to compensate for the poor conditions of the greens. The other issue that lingers with me about that day was the remorsless attitude of the staff about our experience, other than the marshall whom slinked away with his tail between his legs.... we never saw him again after we rejected his offer to hang it up after the 9th. To be honest I know a dozen golfers whom will never ever play Newcastle again! Do Not make the mistake and waste your money on this course. I was left wanting so much more for the price and attitude, my best description would be that ""it was a slow moving (literally) golfstranomic train wreck "". \r
Id rather play . Chambers Bay, The Home Course, Druids Glenn, Gold Mountain, Mcormick Woods, or even West Seattle.
Pros: mustard selection at the turn
Cons: evertyhing