I do not agree with any of these people are who are leaving negative comments. I think they are unfair and untrue and I think people should take more care before they print words that can ruin reputations and businesses. Though I never write reviews, I feel it is important to do so here. I have had three children at the Goddard School for the past TEN years! After trying three other centers in the area, my oldest daughter (now nearly eleven) began attending Goddard when she was then months of age. We are now the most ""senior"" family there and therefore I believe I have credibility in my feedback. The owner is an extremely caring and kind man who is on site at all times to ensure quality and consistency. I cannot tell you how many days I would arrive for pick up to find him carrying one of my kids around just because he wanted to. He greets everyone at the door every time, and makes a point to know everyone personally. The directors have changed a few times over the years as have the teachers (Face it people-teaching and caring for young children is not always a life career for many young people!), but I have always found the vast majority of them to be friendly, loving, and energetic. The few I have not been so crazy about did not last long...Of course I have always been impressed with the curriculum that my children have been exposed to from a very early age, and to say there is no structure or teaching simply is not true. I am a K-5 school psychologist and I am familiar with child development as well as early childhood curriculum. If anything, Goddard attempts to teach and expose the children to things that are actually beyond the curriculum standards for Nortborough. Most important for me, however, has always been that my very young children were loved and cared for. Regarding this I have never had any doubts. These teachers come to work every day to do a very difficult job, and they LOVE these children! My kids have always gotten hugs and personalized attention, and I get funny, personal stories every day. My three children have always loved school and adored their teachers and I have never had any doubts about that. Now what else could a parent ask for? \r