Cristina, the manager stated my BBB complaint was unfair, etc. What was unfair, is global car rental, taking people’s money and renting them an unmaintained broken down, dirty, vehicle with no gas. What is unfair, is global car rental hanging up the phone and leaving a customer and her child stranded after midnight! What is unfair is global car rental thinking it’s ok to take people’s money and refuse to give it back. What is unfair is global car rental saying they will have the owner call regarding my refund; no one ever called. What is unfair is global car rental sending me to an empty car lot at almost midnight--where the manager said someone would meet me but didn’t-- to swap the van i rented, cleaned & filled with gas with another dirty car that had a stick, a pink rag, and a tied up grocery bag with something in it left inside. What is unfair is global car rental lying about trying to “make it right and offer my refund but i refused”. What is unfair is global car rental causing my daughter to have to miss three days of school and causing me to have lost wages because they kept my money and left us with no vehicle. What is unfair is me having to send my child via cab to live with someone else so she wouldn’t miss anymore school days because global car rental kept my money and refused to give it back, communicate with me or attempt to contact me!!! What is unfair is global car rental listing 200+ miles on the rental form while a completely different amount shows on the odometer. Yes, i have pictures. What is unfair is global car rental automatically boxing “f” for full gas tank when the gas light was on for both the van i rented and the car they “swapped” it with when the van broke down 5 hours later. What is unfair is global car rental not listing a business name or legible first and last name for a contact person—if no one knows their names and can not locate them it would be pretty difficult to serve them. What is unfair is global car rental taking hard earned money from citizens. "That" is unfair.