One of the better grocery stores in Columbus is Giant Eagle. I shop there when I want certain foods, that I know I can get a better quality selection of, such as meats, cheeses, and ice cream.
Another perk I love- their canned goods (store brand) are super cheap. In fact, they're usually much lower than Kroger or Meijer, so when I want to stock up on canned goods, I shop at Giant Eagle. They also have a section that is just for their "family value" type products, which are greatly discounted. There have been a few times where I have already picked out certainly products, then pushed by this value isle and been like OMG! They have it WAY cheaper over here! I have saved so much money shopping in that one section alone, it's not even funny.
They do offer a store "savings" card, which is great as well. You don't have to have one, of course. But if you ever want to write checks there, you need one. You can also use your card to rent videos in their video store. And they have a gas station as well.
While there, don't forget to check out the clearance section. A couple months ago I bought myself a 4x6' bamboo rug for $9.99- that was a 75% discount!!! I'm still raving about that deal! I also picked up a 2x3" for $2.49. I should have bought a few of those LOL