I swear, you can always count on the Gap in Uptown to find great variety and hidden bargains. The staff at this particular location is helpful and polite-yes, even for trendy Uptown, and if you ever need an opinion on an outfit or article of clothing, they aren't afraid to lend their two cents. Personally, I always ask people at the Gap my opinion--they don't work on commission and have nothing to gain, so they're honest.
Anyway, THE CLOTHES! They are always up-to-date with reasonably-priced versions of the latest trends, skinny jeans and all. While The Gap is a great place for work clothes--especially when you need nice work pants and skirts--you can always find a funky top or dress for going out. They sell a lot of separates that work wonderfully as individual pieces for mixing and matching, or for creating a more cohesive outfit.
The menswear dept. here is really strong, too. On one occasion, my husband totally updated his wardrobe with 2 pairs of nice shorts, 5 polo shirts, and one pair of jeans, all for under $100.
And hey--an extra bonus is that Josh Hartnett is rumored to shop here when he's in town. Even that boy still knows where to find a good deal on clothing.