Driving down Fort Lowell the other day, I happened to notice Gandhi's, and loving nothing more that a good Indian cuisine buffet, I dropped in to try it out.
The restaurant was almost full, and I was promptly seated. The buffet selection was not huge but the ingredients looked inviting so I filled my plate. Mmmmm! Pretty tasty! Not knock your sox off delish, but nicely spiced with distinctive taste. About halfway thru my meal, the wait person dropped off a basket of hot, home made looking nan flatbread- NICE!
When I got my check I got a another nice surprise- $5.35 including tax! WOW! I was so pleased!
However, that night I was awoken with yet another surprise, not at all nice or pleasing! I'm not 100 percent sure it was courtesy of Gandhi's lunch buffet, but as a result I have not yet returned, altho I'm sure I will give them another try one of these days.