Game Dude has been in business for years, and there's a very good reason for why that is; They have great prices. Any new game, for example a new PS3 game that costs $60 in target or some other well-known store, in Game Dude you can find that game for $57.99. Sure, that might not seem like much, but you DO end up paying a few dollars less than you do in target. They have a HUGE collection of games for every game console that has been released. Their used games are also great. Before they buy a used game from someone, they make sure there are no scratches, cracks, or any other damage on the disk or game cartridge, and they actually check the game to see if it works like it's supposed to. However, if you're looking for a place to sell your games, Game Dude doesn't always gives you a very fair amount of money. Some older PlayStation 2 games are sold for 3 dollars, but if you're trying to sell them that game, they'll only give you 50 cents. For most games that are very popular or new, they will give you about 40% to 60% of what a new copy costs. The employees are pretty nice too. If you want a game from their shelves and they've played that game themselves, they could tell you about it. If you buy a used game, they will show you the back of the disk to see that there are no scratches. If for some reason you bought a game from Game Dude and it does not work, (which RARELY happens) you can give it back withing a period of time and exchange it for either another copy of that game or a completely different game of your choice. If I had to choose between going to Game Dude or going to Game Stop, I would definitely choose Game Dude, because of their great prices and games that work perfectly.