Crasner is a lovely guy. However if you are looking for a cardiologist that will acctually show up and do the work. Think again. The office is a shambles. From the very start, no cummunication, even when you are faxing and calling to inform them with you're emergency room visits. They have no knowledge. No knowledge of the currant medications, and seemly no real plans for your future. I actually feel as though I am in worse shape and that if they had treated me more aggresively I might be better. Instead they cancel apt. after apt. ( 18 hosiptals must be too much, I guess. ) even after hosipatil procedeurs where you go back into afib. They plan don't care. It's a money mill that serves no one. are just a number with insurance payable. I have tranfered all files which I should have done , knowing my gut feeling from the start. Disgusted