The Frisco bar is no bigger than 25 feet wide and about 140 feet long. Lester & his wife Pearal open the bar some where in the 50's catering to mostly railroad workes. When they was constructing the tavern it was no more than a hole in the wall. The bar it self was relocated to the Frisco from another bar just North of them which is now or was a fire department house. They moved the whole bar in tack which is about 50 feet in lenth on pipe and moved into place where it sets today. Oh! my dad (Joe Dutton) was a big help in that move. It became more of a family bar in the end of th 50's up until late 70' early 80's. Peral operated it til her death in early 90's then it went to thier son. Now the bar is mostly college students and probly riff raff. This is my review from what I rembered along with my wife and children when whe went there in the 80's. Its a shame that history lays a side to todays clinitel.
Pros: Use to be a family bar
Cons: Went to the way side of todays society