For those of us without kids, our dogs get to reap the benefits. Doggie daycare is not a new concept; however, what you get varies a lot here in Denver. I always tell friends to do some heavy-duty research before committing and to go to each facility, talk to the staff, take your dogs, and WATCH and LISTEN to what happens. I did just that and ended up at For The Love of Dog a few years ago (if anything, they get the award for the most clever name). My two pups love it there -- the play areas, both outside and inside, are not to be beat, but they especially like the people. And there are plenty of wonderful folks there who are well qualified to handle your dogs. Each dog -- and I mean EACH dog -- is special and is recognized as such. There are no cages, which is a relief since my guys are no longer crated. There's plenty of space for down-time and play-time where big and small dogs are separated. I am extremely pleased with how clean the place is, which is a huge item on my list. And the other amenities are terrific --- great varieties of organic dog food and treats, plenty of toys and other things that I run out of (hey, forget to get chew sticks at the market? They've got 'em). I really like that every few months, a well-qualified veterinary doctor comes in for bordatella and anesthesia-free dental cleaning, which my guys love (me too!). How about those huge tubs for baths? (do-it-yourself or let-them-do-it); this is especially wonderful given the snowstorms we've been getting. So, why take my dogs anywhere else? If I did, I'd hear about it since I am out-numbered. I surely don't want a doggie mutiny on my hands! Thanks to everyone at FTLoD -- so glad you are here.
Pros: Terrific facilities and staff
Cons: Parking lot sometimes gets a bit full at key times; wait a bit and it'll clear out.