They don't pay attention. They've made mistakes on shipping before. I ate the cost and lost money on e-bay. I never yelled at them or lost my cool. This time they didn't pay attention and screwed up my out of the US shipping. Of course they wanted to charge me the upthebutt rate to fix their mistake. NO THANx I went USPS international (at the post office) and was able to ship the package for less than half of what they originally charged me and 1/3 their upthebutt rate.
I wouldn't have been this upset, but they treated me like I was a bad guy for wanting my money back and going direct to the post office. One of the owners (don't know what the his name was) acted like a jerk. I was nice and courteous. Funny they didn't refund 1.50 of my 24 bucks because I went debit instead of credit. How tacky. They delay my shipping 2 days its their mistake. They should of just sent my package if they were professional. I'm in business I make good on my mistakes. They would have kept me if they had. But noooooo they get bad press.
No problem no more business for you. Also you have to make them tell you all the rates because they always offer the upthebutt rate.