I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Dr. J. Michael Foley!!! It is such a long and horrible story which brought me to Dr. Foley and I am so glad that he is my dentist!!!!! I would not go to anyone else. I suffered for over 5 years from another dentist's horrible work and this was to be a total dental restoration. Needless to say, my entire mouth was in agony, with teeth showing porcelain from so much grinding, the awful yellow color, blocky and big teeth that smashed together, a bite totally off, the list goes on. It was a disaster ~ emotionally, financially, cosmetically, physically ~ it was so painful. Other dentists I called did not want to even look at me or my records. Dr. Foley's office was caring and compassionate from my first phone call. The receptionist Barb was so nice, caring, and interested in helping me ~ she would relay my info. Dr. Foley would see me, and he has been a Top Dentist for years!!! I was elated and for good reason!! \r
I saw him and he cared! He wanted my records and to help me maintain the mess created with my teeth until I could come up with the necessary funds to re-do all of my teeth! I trusted him and his entire staff ~ what a phenomenal team he has! He maintained my teeth with such gentle care and when I got the money (through legal means), I began my total dental restoration! What a pro! Such a perfectionist, spending so much time with me on getting them right!!! He is excellent and has the most advanced techniques and skills, with a great personality and gentle care. His assistant is absolutely awesome as well, very educated and compassionate! She was the best! Fantastic hygienist and receptionist too!\r
Dr. Foley gave me a beautiful smile and took away my horrible pain!!! I am so happy and I get compliments all the time about my great smile. I could not be happier with the results and I was so scared that with the condition of my teeth that maybe he could not correct them..but he is absolutely top notch...humble too. \r
I had braces from 4th grade until 10th grade, then a retainer for two more years. I had bridgework that began at age 17, for I was born missing 4 teeth. I spent so much time in a dental chair my whole life, and the previous dentist completely destroyed my teeth, bite, smile, looks and confidence. Now I hold my head up high, eat what I want (soft foods for over 5 years!), and smile with such gratefulness to Dr. Foley and his skilled team!! Thank you Dr. Foley!!!