I have never been subject to such blatant misdiagnosis. Dr. Boak told me I needed a ROOT CANAL and had FOUR cavities.
His staff aggressively tried to upsell me on oral cancer screening, deep gum cleaning and fluoride treatment. When I declined the deep gum treatment (after the third time), I was told I had to sign a statement signed also by a ""witness"", the receptionist Polly, saying I was advised to get the gum cleaning but was ""waiving"" the treatment. This is when my BS Bells went off...
Upon getting a second opinion I learned I have ONE cavity and NO ROOT CANAL (I do need my filling that was diagnosed a root canal to be replaced with a crown -- MUCH less invasive and expensive- My root is actually very healthy). Equally troubling is that I learned that the deep gum cleaning is actually detrimental to healthy gums.
It's truly scary this place is in operation, preying on people who will listen to whatever a Dr. tells them. The dentists I consulted with for my second opinion were in shock when I told them Dr. Boak's diagnosis.
BE WARNED! This establishment is not in business to help people. It is clear they want to do as much to your mouth as possible to make as much money as possible.
I will say the hygienist was nice.