First off, I still adore Dr. Goldman; he is caring, well informed, and always concerned about his patients. Unfortunately, his staff has consistently gotten worse over the years. I have been going to First Choice for almost 17 years, in the last two years, I have found myself putting off my visits and giving STRONG consideration to finding another primary care office. There has been a number of staffing changes over the last few years, and almost all of it has been for the worse. The receptionists and PAs used to get to be pleasant and caring; they smiled at you, and inquired about your family and job. Now, they are almost without exception rude and disrespectful. I have on more than one occasion complained about the rudeness and apathy these ""professionals"" have displayed. The last time I went to the office, I saw a new and very curt PA who claimed she could not find any record of my prescription although as I mentioned, this has been my primary care for almost 17 years! When she found it(in the front of my FILE), she had the nerve to tell me that she would give it to me after I had a fasting blood test the next time I came. It was like she was holding the prescription hostage.I had a hard time keeping my temper as she talked to me like I was a 2nd grader throughout the visit. As i said previously, I adore Dr. Goldman, but he is hard to see and always busy. I don't like his staff, and really have only stayed because it would be such a hassle to change office.