Express oil on Valleydale road met more than my expectations! Before I shut off my engine Nate met me with a smile and asked how he may be of assistance. I pulled in with a book to read expecting to sit and wait... and wait... and wait in the customer lounge.... NOT!! Eddie met me at my door, and said OIL CHANGE MA'AM? I sad why yes!! And before I could get out, still expecting to sit and wait in the lounge, Kelly who was so polite and not pushy, met me at my door and said I have a few suggestions for you. He showed me just what was wrong and wrote down all the prices for what was needed. I am HIGHLY impressed with Express oil ON VALLEYDALE RD!!!! I will NEVER go back to walmart, they tore up everything and told me I needed new wipers AS HE WAS TEARING IT OFF MY WIPER BLADE! DO NOT EVER go to WALMART to get an oil change!! GO TO EXPRESS OIL AND ASK FOR EDDIE!!!
Pros: Cost efficient, poilite and timely service, no pressure!! and done b4 I could blnk
Cons: I didnt get to read my book bc I DID NOT WAIT!! HA HA