my name is sara jacobs and i was in established in just before christmas.i had a ladybug put on my left foot by some guy who said he owned the place named RICKY VAZQUEZ.anyway the tattoo went well it was my first so i left happy.i assumed my foot would be a little soar so i let it go.after about 3 weeks i was groing concerned so i went to my doctor.she said that it should have healed by then.she asked if i saw him remove the tattoo needle from a sealed package and i told her no.RICKY didnt do anthing like she has me do bloodwork and i am going to see a dermatologist at hershey med for a biopsy.i have called the shop and the phone is disconnected and drove by and the building is empty.this guy gave me his word on his work and now he is just gone.i just pray i didnt get HEP C OR WORSE HIV.because he was not willing to use clean equipment,then he just leaves..take it from me dont get tattooed from a short fat guy whos name is RICKY matter what shop he works in