Whenever I went to a dentist, I heard the same words over and over again: ""Please open your mouth wider. Even wider. This isn't wide enough. Oh, you mean you can't?"" None of these dentists ever told me I had a problem.
Once I had an infection in my tooth and went to see Dr. Weiner for the first time. She asked me to do the same thing all the other dentists did - to open my mouth wide. When she saw that it was not possible for me, she told me right away that I have a TMJ problem and that I am not the only one. Before I visited Dr. Weiner, every single dental experience was a torture just because opening my mouth alone was painful. But the worst problems were my frequent headaches and sharp pain on both sides of my jaw. I couldn't even chew gum without biting my lip.
I am now undergoing treatment for my problem, which consists of wearing a special device. Since I started this treatment, my symptoms stopped and my whole life experience became much more pleasant. It is going to take approximately two years to become TMD-free, and it is absolutely worth it! I can't wait when I can sit in a dental chair and no longer worry about not being able to open my mouth wide enough for my dentist to see my wisdom tooth and painless enough for me not to feel a thing.
Thank you, Doctor Weiner!