Dear Emergency Vet Services of Roanoke,\r
We visited your office for the first time at 3:00 on Sunday October 13th. We had our beloved 15 year-old corgi “Tad” with us. Tad was in distress, had no color in his gums and was unable to coordinate moving his back half. We were met with a very professional and patient receptionist, who calmly explained the intake form to us and accepted it back the moment it was completed. She swiftly called for a vet tech and another very comforting experience was the kind young woman who swiftly & gently accepted Tad from us and took him back within minutes of our arrival. I come from a family of veterinarians and healthcare providers and this genuine, professional, empathetic way of dealing with total strangers to your practice spoke volumes about the caliber of your staff. You should be very proud of their performance that day.\r
The most amazing part of our experience was Dr. Matt Ellis. When he came into the exam room after a short period and shared the terrible news that Tad had multiple cavities and what appeared to be tumors in his poor old spleen, it was clear and evident that he cared deeply that he convey this painful information clearly & empathetically. He carefully outlined the choices available and the likely prognosis of each option for Tad. He treated us and our sweet dog as though he had been Tad’s veterinarian for a decade. When we chose to let Tad pass that afternoon without the risky pain of major surgery or lingering organ failure, Dr. Ellis helped guide us through our decision process without rushing or abandoning us without support. We took some time to say goodbye and Dr. Ellis allowed me to hold Tad on my chest as he passed, which I never contemplated was possible. For the rest of my life I will treasure knowing Tad’s last moments were comfortable, warm and secure in his family’s arms. Dr. Ellis was very understanding and consoling before, during and after the procedure. We honestly were not prepared to let Tad go that day, but once we understood the truth of what he faced, I can’t imagine a much better way to say a loving good-bye to our best friend. Dr. Ellis and your staff helped make an awful, awful day better by sharing a warm, caring and safe place to say good-bye to Tad. Thank you for employing such amazing people and please share our deepest gratitude with each of them.