I went in requesting for them to check my battery, as my son left the dome light on. Of course, they came back with needing a new battery and alternator for $560. So, we agreed without checking any reviews. I got the car back, drove it to work the next day and the battery light came on and remained on. The shop claimed that they must have gotten a faulty alternator from the supplier. At closing time when my husband went to get the car, it wasn't ready because the supplier had brought over the wrong alternator. They needed to keep the car for the night. Car was finished the next day, and when I got there, my car had a noticeable "ding" on the door. I hate confrontations, but went in anyway (with my kids) to tell them about the "ding". The son came out, scolded me and said, "Lady, that is not a ding, that is a chip. And furthermore, this chip is on the door, and just so you know, the engine is in the front of the car." The next day my husband went to make sure that the "new