My car broke down with a piece of steel piercing my right rear tire. After trying to reach my friends to come help, no one could help me and AAA told me it would take 2 hours before someone could get out to me. On an Thursday morning??!! 2 hours??? REALLY!?? I remembered a friend had told us how good Elliots in Point was so I called him. Do you know he drove out to Wall, where i was broken down, personally, to help me out. AND HE IS NOT AAA! He gets ***** Five stars for being a good samaritan and for going out of his way to help. Everything I have heard about his candor and professionalism are TRUE!!! Not only that, but he made time to make sure my car was running safely! A true professional!! THANK YOU SEAN AND RICH AT ELLIOTTS! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!! I AM TELLING ALL MY FRIENDS TO COME AND SEE YOU FOR ALL THEIR CAR NEEDS!!! BECAUSE YOU ALL CARE!!!