For a restaurant rated as having the best fajitas in Miami, we left having hardly touched our meal. \r
Our first clue should have been the lack of clientele altogether and many patrons drinking wine instead of margaritas. \r
Margaritas: tasted like they used pina colada mix and zero tequila. It should not be sweet, even if you order a flavored drink. I can make better 'ritas at home: frozen limeade concentrate, half the can of tequila, quarter the can of triple sec, and ice. Simple. Apparently not here.\r
Fajitas: not marinated, not grilled. I've had better fajitas from a drive-thru. The refried beans were burned and guacamole was from a jar. NOT authentic Mexican, sorry. \r
Order fajitas and 'ritas at Chili's!!!