A couple of years ago I hurt my back. I tried taking care of it on my own. Ointments, linaments and having a heat pad work on it.
A sister of mine convinced me to go to her Chiropractor. I was skeptical at first.
But the 1st visit changed my mind. She had me lay face down on what I considered a torture device. The Chiropractor told me to exhale and blow all my air out.
It was at that time she would adjust my back. I never heard my back pop that many times or that loud ever before.
It took a bunch of visits, but when I was done I could move my head *could not before* and I was pain free.
I was sleeping better and feeling better than I had in a long time.
Ames also performs a holistic healing that involves helping my allergies. I dont understand how it works, but my allergies were better when I left also.