I dropped my truck off for an oil change and inspection on March 3 around 7:30 in the morning. I was called around 10:30 and informed my truck was ready. After work around 4:30 a co-worker drove me to Eavers to pick up my truck only to discover they had closed around noon and I could not get my truck. No one called to let me know they were closing early do to weather. I live 25 miles away
and luckily I was able to get in touch with another co-worked who lives near me that was already on his way home. He turned
around and came back and got me. The next morning he had to go out of his way to pick me up and bring me back to Eavers
so I could pick my truck up. One of the most unprofessional experience of my life.
The guy I discussed this with at Eavers did remove a small amount from my bill but I was very close to being totally stranded.