I left my puppy for observation for a condition she was displaying every five minutes. After $100 in blood work, the vet told me that three vets had been watching my puppy all day and NONE of them saw her exhibit the behavior....Could be because they never took her out of the cage! I also left my pet for boarding at the this kennel...NEVER AGAIN!!! First, I was told my puppy needed a bordatella treatment, which I understand, but I was told that it was administered nasally. My puppy has severe breathing problems and I did NOT want them to put anything up her nose! When I spoke to the vet, she said she could administer it through a shot, BUT OF COURSE, IT WOULD BE MORE EXPENSIVE!! I also told the girl at the kennel to watch for diarrhea because my puppy was having a problem with it. I told her that they had permission to treat her, if the problem persisted. When I arrived to pick up my puppy, I did not see her hind end, at first. As I was walking her out the door, I noticed tha