After previous major & minor shopwork on two of my cars it was time to bring my Long_Saved, Sweat_Earned cash together for one the most involved and risk deep projects a car and owner face. The heater core needed R & R. I interviewed shop techs at other locations including GM, Ford, Mopar, BMW, and Independent local and out of area shops. All, including Eastside were less than persuasive about the work to be done. None were headfirst eager to reel me in. All want the job but didn't care when. Having been with Eastside already for three major repairs, I permitted myself to expand the comfort level. Eastside got the job. The third day was when my doubts were confirmed. This repair was over their heads. At the end of eight days my car was back home again, in her driveway, shivering, traumatized by the ordeal I had put her through. The work should reasonably be finished in two days. With some difficulties, threes days. The guys who did the work assured me that they were familiar with the work to be done. I discovered otherwise. They were apt to do the R&R by teaming up and learning as they proceeded to disassemble the dashboard completely. A 100% parts pull out of the components that fill and comprise the dashboard assembly. Today, any other customer could confidently bring their heater core work to this shop. After all, a full week and a day provided ample opportunity for this shop to learn and attain a new skill by practicing on my car. This car owner will need time, as will my car, for recuperation after this involved procedure which lasted five days too long. Similar to surgery, the doctors needed to get an inventory of tools and sponges left in the patient before closing up the suturing. A coach doesn't bench a pitcher for throwing a walkoff game winning Homerun pitch to the batter. He shows him in the non game practices what to throw and ideas for what to think when in that pressure cooker next time. These guys are ok line technicians. I'll be getting more work done in the future on more cars. Will they be doing the work?