I first met Jeff Durski to get treatment for my back pain. One month down the lane, not only my back pain has worsened, I have a new and worse pain area which is my neck and shoulders. I regret the day when I walked into the so called clinic which is more of a publicity stunt office. The room is filled with paintings, pamphlets echoing the importance of 'a conitnuous, life long treatment' (in sugar coated words, Mr Durski likes to call it maintance care. In my first two weeks of treatment, i went there every single day. Note that no other chiro who wants you to get well, would ask for more than 2 or 3 visits in the first week which go down progressively\r
Another proof of his cheap publicity stunt is, there is a big book of testimonials lying in one of the rooms and of course, every single person in that book is all praises for him. Now ask yourself, which care giver would do that? I know, you must be wondering, why I am whining about it right now. The answer is very simple, this guys makes you believe that during recovery process, it is sometimes possible to go back two steps and then proceed further. What BS !! \r
Another thing- all he is interested is in making money. He charges more than most of hte chiros in the area. Listen to this..for a physical examination, I was charged $225 * 2 = $450 in a gap of three weeks. All they do in these so called progress exams is study the range of motion of various parts of your body. In the end, as I mentioned earlier, i never factored in money because my main goal was to get well. Every day I complained of not feeling better and being the same as previous day and his standard response was ""You messed your back over a period of 9 years, don't expect to get it fixed in a week"". I strongly urge you to reconsider your decision to visit this quack and let me assure that I have nothing against this guy other than the fact that he is the reason I spent one restless night awake becuase of my newfound pain in neck and shoulders.