I strongly believe in the work being done by the Dnever Dumb Friends League!! I used to work there back in the late 70's, to early 80's, and I can tell you that the people who work there are totally dedicated to caring for the animals! In fact, I was in Denver just yesterday, April 28, 2011, and I made a point to go see all the changes that have been made with the additions and remodeling of the main shelter on Quebec. I was impressed!! And I sure don't know what you could possibly mean by the cleanliness being terrible??? It was spottless!! I am truely sorry that you have a sick kitten. But I have to wonder if there isn't more to the story than you are sharing, because I know from my personal experiance, that sick animals aren't put out in the adoption areas, until they are well. The Denver Dumb Friends League is totally non profit. They depend on donations from the public, to care for the animals that are given up by their owners. You say that you could have been Vick, and gotten a Pit Bull from them? Now I know you are really stretching the truth! They have you answer a lot of questions about not only the type of animal you are interested in, but also about yourself, and where you live. If you own or rent,....and if you rent, you have to provide a rental aggreement showing you are allowed to have pets. I personally did many yard checks, before the adoptions were finalized, to be sure that the required fences were in place for dogs that were problem jumpers. And you probably didn't take the time to read your adoption agreement!! Because if you had, you would know that the DDFL reserved the right to come and get the animal, if they felt it was in the animals best interest! How dare you sugjest that they are just in it for the money!! Maybe, if you care about animal care as much as you say, you should go try volunteering your time, and go work at the DDFL for awhile and see just what a great place it actually is!! No there are way too many holes in your story! The Denver Dumb Friends League is the best place in the world to go adopt an animal!! And the reason they require the aniamls to be spayed or neutered before they leave, is because of the over population of unwanted animals in this country!! People who have never worked in animal care, have no idea what a serious problem that is! I personally think that there should be a law, that before you can own an animal, you should have to volunteer for 1 year, in an animal care facility! I don't live in Denver anymore, but when I decide to adopte a new animal, the first place I look is the Denver Dumb Friends League! And because you have had to spend money on the care of this kitten, now you want to blame the DDFL. You could have taken the kitten back, once you realizeed it was sick. As far as the person who said they did take the dog back.... yes, once you relinquish your claim to the animal, they don't have to tell you anything. It doesn't belong to you anymore. And again, I'm pretty sure there is more to your story than you want to tell, as well. Go spend $300 to $800 an an animal that comes from a puppy mil, and see what happens when it gets sick!! Go look at those poor creatures that are kept in tiny cages, living in their own waste, for their whole lives, and tell me about poor coditions! The DDFL rescuses dogs from those puppy mills every day!! You should be ashamed of yourselves for saying such terrible untrue things about the DDFL!! If you tried to educate yourself about animal welfare, maybe you wouldn't be so inclined to open your mouth, and let stupidity flow!! lPLEASE PEOPLE.....go check out the Denver Dumb Friends League for yourselves, and see what a caring place it is!! Don't rely on the things you hear from a few unsatisfied people, that probably shouldn't even have a pet. Adopt a friend in need!! They will be your friend for life, Indeed!!