We were referred to Kevin Dugan for a 3110 eval through Placer County. On the first meeting, Dugan admitted that all info. that he had gotten from the court was negative towards one of the parties. (he basically admitted at the first meeting that he held a bias). Dugan then will demand more money after taking 1500.00 for 3110 evaluations. If you do not cave in to his extortion, he will then write a negative report against the non paying party. Kevin Dugan is a mandated reporter and is licensed by the state to PROTECT the interests of the children. Kevin Dugan has no regard for the safety or health of children. Kevin Dugan forces the parties to sign mounds of papers and states that he will interview ""collateral witnesses"" and then NEVER interviews them. Kevin Dugan will then write a report as if he interviewed everyone and will blatantly lie on his reports. Dugan is blatantly rude to the party whom he does not like. Dugan is very unprofessional.