Seemed great at that start, but you better make sure you have plenty of extra money. If you run into trouble and need an extra week, it'll take an act of congress to get it. I have been on time every time since I bought the car over a year ago. I needed to move a payment from the 27th to the 3rd of the following month (only one week) and had to ask for a manager 2 times, so the first time I was probably just handed to the person in the next cubicle. I was gone on a month long TDY (temporary duty) with the Air Force and unable to work my second job, and called a week ahead of time to ask for this. Was releived they did move my payment, but why did I have to go through so much trouble for a simple favor from someone that cares so much about their customers? They have no respect or care for you at all once you have made the purchase. Which brings up more. The suposodly inspected and ""safe"" vehicle I bought, needed tires as they were worn past the wear marks (something I missed before I bought it) and the front shocks were completely shot, and the lower ball joints were so worn the vehicle couldn't even be alligned. All this after I took it in to get it looked at only 3 days after buying it. (I'm a mechanic as well, so a little embarassed that I missed those things.) They put their choice of crap tires on it (which I need to replace already after only 20,000 miles), and that took another fight to get done, they used my ""$500 repair credit"" for that, just so I would quit pressuring them. They should have put tires on it before I even bought it. They fixed the ball joints, but charged me $100 saying it was warranty work (only 3 days after buying it, what a rip off), yet another thing that should have been found and fixed in their ""inspection."" Just goes to show that they care only about the money, and screw the customer once they have it. They prey on people with bad credit, with a false front of being Christian, and yes they do only charge 9.9% but their vehicals are almost always $3000-$5000 over excelent book value even though most their cars barely qualify for poor value. When I questioned the price, they always replied with ""well that's market value"". Yea, the market of this is all you can buy so you better take it. Buyers beware, avoid them if you can. I couldn't