Whether you're looking for a place to train for yourself, or a fantastic program for your child, this is the place to go! Dragon Fire offers a diverse range of arts for all ages and ranks; in fact, it's the most well-rounded school in Sacramento, as far as I can tell. The arts they offer cover everything from striking, sparring, and weapons-work to throwing, ground-fighting, and joint manipulation. The staff are welcoming, skilled, knowledgable, and helpful, and the adults who train there are a joy to work out with.
For kids, it's the only place around here I would recommend. The after school program keeps the students busy with homework, games, and classes while encouraging personal growth. The youth classes focus not only on building motor skills and martial arts skills, but also internal discipline and integrity. Seeing those young students work out together, fight hard, and take care of each other makes me proud to train there. I couldn't imagine training at any other school.