I have been going here for many years now. There are 2 women. One is nun like the other is the Devils' spawn! I have never and I mean never met a more unpleasant and just plain out ""Bitch"" as the other reviewer stated. I won't go into the whole thing, but. Bottom line , they supposedly used an anti scratch coating""Bull S#$#"" and the frame they originally sold me was so cheap the brand name ""Cadillac"" rubbed right off the frame, went online and come to find out that""Cadillac"" is NOWHERE to be found and I paid a premium price for them. I feel the frames are some cheap Chinese knockoff of a brand name. When I went in to get the lenses fixed A SECOND time. The she- bitch looked at my frames and said how horrible a shape they where in ""Which they where not""' And I found laughable becuase I already thought they where substandard product and that had nothing to do with a supposed coating that I feel was never put on the second time. She tired to charged me 50 plus bucks just for single vision lenses check anywhere else that 's a rip in it's self. Bottom line this bitch thinks you work for her and you can tell just from looking at her , she hates the world. Telling you don't pay to be aggravated by a Bitch, in this economy spend your money where people appreciate your business and are HONEST>