I tried to purchase a couch from Domain. However, after waiting 7 mos, they never delivered it. The store repeatedly guaranteed delivery. However, in the end, they refused to take any responsibility for the delay and ultimately the cancellation. They would only blame the manufacturer; overlooking the $1000s of my money THEY held in deposit for 7 mos.
Even when we tried to speed the order, by picking a different fabric--the reason for delay according to the store--Domain showed no remorse. During our visit, no one apologized for the 6-month delay. After giving us 3 "suggested" fabrics, the salesperson ignored us for >20 mins. And even the store manager refused to help us, b/c he was "in a meeting" . . . with another store employee on the showcase floor. The corporate office also refused to help.
Cons: Staff, Service, Reliability