I took my dogs there as a recommendation from some friends. My dogs were there for 12 nights. When I got my dogs back, both of them had lost weight (which is normal for dogs due to many reasons - being away from home, playing more, getting stressed out, etc.). However, one of my dogs was so under weight you could see all of his back vertebra sticking out, his ribs, his hip bones, and the fat pads on the top of his head between his ears is almost all gone and now it just bone and skin. I didn't receive a single phone call that my dog was experiencing excessive weight loss, due to being ""more stressed"" out than normal. I spoke to the owner, Jeff Peay, 2 times and not once did he mention my dogs extreme weight loss. Instead he blamed it one me: 2 weeks is a long time for your dogs, your dog was skinny to begin with, you didn't tell me all the info about your dogs. When I asked for a partial refund, he told me that I was blackmailing and extorting him for money and that's all I cared about. I will never go back.