My child made an appointment with Dr. Arunas Banionis because our regular physician was on vacation. She and myself, were greeted by Dr. Arunas Banionis and advised her test was positive. He asked her about seeing an OB/GYN.?I said, we were there to obtain proof of pregnancy. At that point, the doctor became outraged. He stated he, ""was not going to write a referral for an abortion, his name was not going to be on it, he was not providing the results to my daughter and yelled at her she had a growing human being inside of her!""?I interrupted him and asked, ""are you pressing your personal beliefs on my daughter?"" He replied. ""yes, I AM!"" he opened the door to the exam room, stepped into the hall (disregarding her right to privacy) and he said, ?""there would be no charge for the office visit and he does not support abortion!"" I believe If for any reason his faith should interfere with his profession, he should not be a physician. All we needed was the lab sheet proving the positive results. I was disgusted and embarrassed for the humiliation we experienced to an open office area regarding such a delicate matter. And my daughter, by his unprofessionalism and the emotional and psychological damage foisted upon her in front of his staff and other patients who were also present. After contacting the administrator I was apologized to. I love this clinic but our experience with this physician was obviously emotionally devastating. The role of a physician, is to apply values and judgments to the practice of medicine. As a physycian his role is to educate and care for patients applying discipline and medical ethics. Not his personal religious beliefs. I also have trouble with the issue of abortion, however was it once considered this child may be discreetly handling a rape issue, has he victimized this child again? I believe not. He had drawn his own conclusion before interviewing his patient and he also violated her right to privacy once he opened the door to that exam room.