""NOT EVEN WORTH ONE STAR. THIS PLACE SUCKS! DON'T TORTURE YOU CHILDREN AND TAKE THEM TO THIS IDIOT! HE TORTURED MY DAUGHTER GAVE HER THREE FILLINGS- NO NOVACAINE! HE JUST HELD HER LITTLE HEAD DOWN LIKE SHE WAS A FREAKIN RAG DOLL. HE HAD NO PITTY ON HER, HER PAIN, OR FEAR. HE WAS A FREAK MAN WITH NO FEELINGS FOR THIS LITTLE 5 YEAR OLD. GUESS WHAT, THE FILLING FELL OUT ALREADY..(5 MONTHS) YEAH. TAKE YOUR KIDS TO THIS GUY, NOT ON MY LIFE. I WOULD PULL THE TOOTH OUT YOURSELF BEFORE PAYING THIS CREEP. THIS GUY IS JOKE FOR A PEDIATRIC DENTIST. NEEDS TO RETIRE AND LET SOMEONE THAT ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT CHILDREN WORK WITH CHILDREN. Since my visit, I have had to pay over 6000 dollars to fix the problems that he caused after placing simple fillings in three teeth. Other dentists that I visited have said that he did not remove all of the cavity in the teeth... (no doubt because my daughter was freaking out in pain) and so two of the teeth absessed and have since been removed. we had to place a crown on the other... all the teeth he originally ""fixed""... and she had to all of this done in a surgery center because she was so scared from her last experience. He will have made a life long batter to overcome the one visit to his office.