This is a good restaurant to go to . The food is very good and the staff is very friendly. I've gone their a few times and have never had many complaints. The food comes out in a good amount of time.
They offer some good promotions from time to time. It has a pretty good feel to it for the most part and the seatings are a good size and spacey.
The only problem I have at times is kids running around the game area. There is a sign stating that kids under 14 should be accompanied by parents, but I have seen 8, 9, or 10 year olds running by (barely missing me) with no parent in site. The staff will see them but they don't say nothing and just ignore it.
At dinner time on Fridays, there are plenty of people there drinking and having fun. That's when they should at least go with there rule. But still I see kids running around which I find dangerous. There are other Dave's and Buster's that won't let children under 18 go to there restaurants. I believe that should be enforced or they should at least make sure the child is with there parent and not running around.
D&B is supposed to be a place for "grown-ups."
I have gotten plenty of tickets from D&B and have redeemed plenty of great prizes. A mobile grill, t-shirts, jackets, blender, ect. So that's great if you make enough tickets. I haven't gone there in a while because it was turning into a kid-zone. So if you don't mind rug-rats running around then I'd suggest it. But next time I go I plan on going to one with an 18 or older policy.
Pros: Nice seatings, fun games, great prizes, good food.
Cons: Expensive price, kids running around,