The people from Darpet are very dishonest. When I was calling they were offensive and coming up with a lot of lies and excuses. Their excuses and lies will not fly with many customers.\r
On September 12th me and my wife ordered doors with door handle locksets and the locksets were not delivered as agreed. When we were ordering we were informed by the salesman that everything would be delivered on Tuesday, September 18th. We received the order but most of the locksets were not delivered. The delivery person asked me to call the office. The gentleman in the office asked me to drive to their location to pick up the missing items in 2 days. I did not agree to drive there and the salesman started to make many excuses but finally he informed me that they would send the handles by UPS in 2 days. One week later, we did not receive the handles so I called the office again on Monday. I was put on hold for very long time so I dropped the call and shortly after I received the call from the supplier. I was informed that the supplier may send the handles by the end of the week (that is waiting additional 5 days) but they would not give me any assurance that I would receive the lockset by that date. I asked for money back and they refused it. They told me that I had no written agreement for the locksets delivery by UPS. They promised the delivery over the phone so there was no written agreement. The fact is that all item supposed to be delivered on September 18th to start with. They promised to deliver the missing handles by UPS and they did not do it. \r
They were coming with many excuses and would not take any responsibility for their mistakes or promises and they were yelling at me. \r
When I informed them that my contractors installing the doors were finishing the job in 2 days and I would be without the handle locksets in my whole house and the contractors would not drive to install the handles, to do couple hour job only because they have busy schedule, the company respond was: “that is your project, what we have to do with it.”\r
I received annoying call from an angry person from this company asking me why I made complain about this order.\r
Their way of dealing with customers demonstrates how incompetent they are.