Not The Store It Is Reputed To Be: After the following incidents at this store, when I purchased yet ANOTHER defective item, I asked for a refund. After 10+ (years) of being a customer, I was appalled to learn that under NO circumstances does this store EVER give a refund. You either have to take a store credit (even if there is nothing there you want), or get a replacement item. Imagine again my shock when I asked for a different version of the item that I purchased that cost less and was informed they wouldn't even refund the difference for that. I finally had to settle for a replacement item that I didn't want that cost a couple dollars more than the original item.....they didn't make me pay the extra couple dollars. There have been NUMEROUS problems over the years with this ""fine"" jeweler. My engagement ring was purchased there. After numerous repairs for inferior work, gold not done properly, diamond about falling out etc., they finally chipped one of my diamonds and it had to be replaced. Just so you understand, my engagement ring is very dear to me, and I was heartbroken and dismayed that one of my original diamonds was ruined. While my engagement ring was under warranty for all of the above repairs, and true, cost me financially nothing, my trust in this establishment HAD been irreparably damaged.