I bought spark plugs from them. Two of them broke an hour away from home leaving me stranded two weeks after the install. The night manager had nothing to say expect we don't warranty spake plugs and told me I must have broke them. I told him the manufacturer has a warranty and he walked away from me and wouldn't answer my questions. I have never had a problem with Plugs blowing up, in fact I have never had them break at all. I change them every 3 months for performance reasons. he told me that I didn't know how to install plugs, ya and I didn't rebuild and upgrade my own manual transmission and engine, what a joke. I wouldn't think that a place that almost knows me by name because I'm there weekly, would treat me like that. Manny is a poor representative of the company.
Pros: cost similar to other discount auto stores
Cons: very busy, poor management and service