Although the congregation is composed of good, decent, folk, they suffer from a typical malady found in many churches which is that they become blind to the very obvious shortcomings, if not evil, acts of their pastor; they do so because they confuse the pastor with the religion. In this case, Hagee is a hateful psychotic who practically foams at the mouth whenever the Catholic Church is mentioned. He has also distorted a Christian church to look and behave as if it was a consulate of a foreign power, in this case, Israel. One sees Israeli menorahs, flags, pictures of politicians all over the church grounds and every time an Israeli politician comes to visit to get money from Hagee, he can always be found with his lips firmly welded to the Israeli's backside. He has at one time stated that Hitler was sent by God. At another time that Hitler was an official of the Catholic Church. His hate and his delusions are only surpassed by his greed; you should see the mansion that he lives in and the car that he drives (what was it about the eye of a needle?). Incidentally, Hagee has in the past admitted to adultery and cheating on his wife.\r
THIS is a Christian pastor? More like a candidate to a lunatic asylum.