I'm usually willing to give a place a second chance, but if they consistently rub me the wrong way, I'm not in the least bit hesitant to go out of my way to avoid them.
I have had numerous instances of poor customer service with Copps in general (I used to frequent their Ballard and Wisconsin Avenue stores). About a year ago, a downed handicapped parking sign pierced one of my car's tires. Upon reporting this to the store, all the offered to do was go out and pick up the sign. Contacting Copp's corporate through their website about the situation yielded absolutely no response whatsoever. So I stopped going there for about six months, which was inconvenient for me because it was close to my residence.
Then I started going back because I enjoyed their salad bar. One night, I decided to do a lot of shopping at the Wisconsin Avenue location and I realized that my key card had been damaged beyond recognition from being on my keychain. I went to the customer service counter to request a new one and they said they didn't have any and didn't know when they were getting some. I asked what I could do and they said either ask another customer to use theirs or save the receipt and when new cards came in, I could request my savings retroactively. It seemed ludicrous to me that a store who doles out savings to "members of the club" would make it so hard for club members. At least at Piggly Wiggly if you forget your card or can't get a replacement, their cashiers have dummy ones they scan for you.
These are not the only problems I've had with them but the more recent notable issues I've had.
I'm now going to Festival pretty much exclusively. They're no Wal-Mart in terms of prices, but there's no club cards and all the little perks are much better in my opinion. Their salad bar is bigger and fresher, and their hot food bar is great too. I've had to drive a little bit out of my way but luckily they're taking over the former Cub Foods on Mason and Northland and I can't wait.