For four years now I have lived in a condo ""managed"" by Continental Management. Every issue I have ever had I have been blown off to a voice mail. They take days to get back to you, if they even do, and when they do contact you they never have an answer besides send a certified letter. Every certified letter I have sent nothing has been done about it. I have been complaining about cats living in the garage next to mine, breaking my garage door opener every week, for about 6 months now. My garage smells so bad from them that I cant even use it. And if anyone lives in the Cleveland area you know the snow that has dropped in the last 48 hours. I had to push my door open to get out of my own house walking through snow drifts up to my waist. I understand alot of snow dropped in a short period of time but there hasn't been a plow done sence it started. When I contacted them about getting a plow done I was told "" we can not call the plow company out because the lady who takes care of that is out of the office."" Now if I ran a company that delt with properties, I would make sure someone else knows the number to the snowplowing company on a day that 13 inches is supposed to drop. Furthermore when I asked who the company is that takes care of our property noone could tell me that. They are a company that is good at taking your money, paying themselfs for answering the phone when you call, and raising your yearly fees. If I was a company looking for a property management company, I would look else where. A management company is supposed to manage the property not just collect the monthly maintenace fees. By the way maintenance fees are supposed to pay for maintenance right? So why is it anytime a maintenance project is needed there is extra fees for this. Are you not supposed to budget those things at the begining of the year not when they come up.
Pros: great at collecting money
Cons: knowledge of issues on properties, maintaining properties