REMOVE ANY VALUABLES from your car before letting it out of your site. There were several items in my car including my briefcase, gym bag, golf clubs, etc. I requested only the exterior wash, as I didn't have time to remove everything from my car. When you arrive, they ask you to get out of your car and go inside to pay, while they get into your car to drive it up to the wash. When I arrived, my $190 Maui Jim sunglasses were inside their case on top of my briefcase on the passenger seat. When I left the car wash, they were gone. Only one person besides myself (the person who pulled my car up to the wash) was in my car. \r
When I called the owner to report the incident, he was immediately defensive, had no interest in hearing what I had to say, and was downright rude. I tried explaining that I was not calling to try to get money or sunglasses back, as I was aware that they were not going to be reponsibe for my personal belongings. I assumed he would want to know if there were problems at his establishment. He finally told me, after a very tense phone conversation, that he would call me back on Monday after reviewing the cameras to see if he could see anything on them. Obvoiusly he never called back, and I doubt that he checked the cameras either. I will not return, nor will anyone from my office. That was one expensive car wash and I am just sick about my sunglasses.\r
WILL NEVER RETURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!